Why we do what we do...

The team behind First Aid to the Injured all shares a strong desire to leave a positive mark in the world through our passion for clothes and fashion. Often the fashion industry is mistaken for being a hollow, superficial world dominated by self caring people – well… we would like to prove this statement wrong!

We aim to take this to a whole new level combining the making of clothing with a strong charity aspect!

A part of the profit of each sold garment will go directly to an already existing charity organisation somewhere in the world! Over time we aim to start our own projects funded by the profit from the collections. That could be education for children in Third World countries (which is something we feel strongly about), starting up a medical clinic etc.

On this page we will share with you the projects we support and keep you updated on who received the money we collected! We are truly humbled by your willingness to help us help others, and we would love to hear your ideas and thoughts on this, so feel free to get in touch!